It’s not what you know…

Darcy Brix
Founded in 2013, Darcy Brix Investment Advisory Representative Inc. (“Darcy Brix”) is an Ohio investment advisory firm that specializes in affiliation with non-securities industry professionals who in the course of their primary activities may encounter individuals with immediate potential needs for advisory services. Darcy Brix is headquartered in Willoughby, OH.
Meet our Team
William (Bill) & Gretchen Kubicek and Martin & Mike Snyder founded a successful and still growing talent software company in 1998. Exposure to the staffing industry revealed further opportunity, and the same team in the same capacities founded Darcy Brix. Bill focuses on marketing and sales; Gretchen finance and operations; Martin compliance and strategy; and Mike works with the firm’s technology.

How it Works
The securities industry is highly regulated. Compliance activity is constant and thorough, including substantial limitations on the marketing of investment advisory services, among others. These limits are especially strict when applying to person-to-person interactions where one party is being compensated for soliciting on behalf of a registered investment adviser. (RIA) In nearly all states of the United States, a person must be licensed to solicit these services as a solicitor or investment adviser representative (IAR).
Darcy Brix saw a need and a means for professionals to refer potential investment advisory customers for compensation without the requirement to register as a solicitor or IAR. This is accomplished by placing the professional in the role of a market researcher.
So long as affiliated professionals never discuss securities or provide any information about investment advisers to potential RIA customers, they may provide information about such potential customers to Darcy Brix. Because Darcy Brix is a registered firm, we can begin the sales process.
The very best part is that if our selected custodial RIA’s convert the lead into an investment advisory customer, the affiliated professional will be compensated via a percentage-based, perpetual recurring payment so long as that account remains active.
“It’s a simple model with a very simple rule: Nobody can talk about securities or investment advice unless they are registered. If your daily activity brings you in contact with people at possible trigger points for adviser services, all you need do is become a Darcy Brix Affiliated Professional (AP) and supply us with details via web portal. You can only refer people with whom you have a legitimate existing business relationship and in accordance with any privacy related laws, regulations, or agreements that may be in force in your situation.